The 30th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference

Invited speakers

The following distinguished researchers have accepted invitations to deliver plenary lectures at the conference:

  • Erik Burman, University College London
  • Andy Wathen, University of Oxford
  • Mária Lukácová-Medvidová, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
  • Alex Towsend, Cornell University
  • Buyang Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Jacek Gondzio, The University of Edinburgh
  • Lars Diening, Bielefeld University
  • Maria E. Rognes, Simula Research Laboratory
  • Nicolas Gillis, University of Mons
  • Roland Herzog, Heidelberg University
  • Sherry Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Katharina Schratz, Sorbonne University