
A number of minisymposia will be scheduled during the parallel sessions. Each minisymposium should consist of a multiple of three 20 minute presentations.

If you are interested in organising a minisymposium, in any branch of Numerical Analysis or a cognate area, please fill in the form below.

  • Please supply the title of your proposed minisymposium along with a brief abstract and a tentative list of speakers, along with the affiliation of each speaker.
  • Please note that individuals are limited to one presentation, either a minisymposium talk or a contributed talk.
  • Organisers are encouraged to ensure that the speakers represent a broad spectrum of research experience.
  • Authors will advised of acceptance of proposals by email shortly after submission.
  • The deadline for submission of minisymposium topics is March 31 2025.
  • Abstracts from contributors should be submitted by April 30th 2025. and should use the template provided (2k, tex).


Accepted Minisymposia

Numerical methods for surface and interface dynamics

Organisers: Buyang Li (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) and Rong Tang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)

Speakers: Fabian Heimann (University College London), Bjorn Stinner (University of Warwick), Guangwei Gao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Chandrasekhar Venkataraman (University of Sussex), Andrea Bonito (Texas A&M University), Guosheng Fu (University of Notre Dame), Shawn W. Walker (Louisiana State University), Balázs Kovács (University of Paderborn), Yifei Li (University of Tübingen), Paola Pozzi (University of Duisburg-Essen), Bangwei She (Capital Normal University), Rong Tang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Abstract: The dynamics of interface and boundary in partial differential equations (PDEs) are of paramount importance in various applications. Efficient numerical methods and rigorous numerical analysis for solving these PDEs have both theoretical and practical values. This mini-symposium aims to discuss recent advances in numerical methods and applications related to moving surface and interface problems, such as PDEs with moving boundary/interface problems, surface evolution in geometric flows, and fluid-structure interactions, among others.

Advances on nonstandard Galerkin methods - part 1

Organiser: Zhaonan Dong (INRIA Paris)

Speakers: Lina Zhao (City University Hong Kong), Andrea Cangiani (SISSA, Trieste), Andreas Rupp (Saarland University), Guosheng Fu (Notre-Dame University), Geraldine Pichot (INRIA Paris), Scott Congreve (Charles University Prague), Tien Ngoc Tran (University Augsburg), Philip Herbert (University of Sussex), Christian Döding (University of Bonn)

Abstract: In this minisymposium, we aim at gathering researchers working in the field of nonconforming Galerkin methods. Among possible topics of interest, we list: nonconforming finite element methods; immersed Galerkin methods; nonpolynomial based Galerkin methods; cut finite elements; PDE properties-preserving (positivity, conservation, divergence-preserving...) methods. This is part 1 of a series of two minisymposia on nonconforming methods.

Advances on nonstandard Galerkin methods - part 2

Organiser: Lorenzo Mascotto (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Speakers: Ruchi Guo (Sichuan University), Weifeng Qiu (City University Hong Kong), Paul Ledger (Leicester University), Tristan Pryer (Bath University), Simon Lemaire (INRIA Lille), Sara Zahedi (KTH Stokholm), Manolis Georgoulis (National Uni Athens - Heriot-Watt University), Wietse Boon (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre), Philip Lederer (University Hamburg)

Abstract: In this minisymposium, we aim at gathering researchers working in the field of nonconforming Galerkin methods. Among possible topics of interest, we list: nonconforming finite element methods; immersed Galerkin methods; nonpolynomial based Galerkin methods; cut finite elements; PDE properties-preserving (positivity, conservation, divergence-preserving...) methods. This is part 2 of a series of two minisymposia on nonconforming methods.

Numerical Methods for Mean Field Games

Organisers: Yohance Osborne (Durham University), Iain Smears (University College London) and Harry Wells (University College London)

Speakers: Elisa Calzola (Rome Sapienza), Harry Wells (University College London), Ahmad Zorkot (University of Limoges), E. Carlini (Rome Sapienza), Indranil Chowdhury (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur), Diogo Gomes (KAUST Saudi Arabia)

Abstract: Mean field games are a system of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) that model Nash equilibria of stochastic differential games involving a large numbers of players. They find applications across many fields, including mathematical biology, engineering, economics, and finance. This minisymposium will present recent developments in the design and analysis of discretisation methods for these problems to address the many numerical challenges encountered, such as structure preservation, first-order systems, nonlocal diffusions, error analysis and convergence rates, and nonsmoothness of the nonlinearities.

Interplay of solvers, discretisations and geometries in the numerical approximation of eigenvalue problems

Organisers: Fleurianne Bertrand (TU Chemnitz) and Philipp Zilk (Universität der Bundeswehr München)

Speakers: Davide Pradovera (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Tugay Dagli (TU Chemnitz), Arbaz Kahn (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), Luca Grubišić (University of Zagreb), Nils Friess (Universität Heidelberg), Henrik Schneider (Universität Duisburg Essen)

Abstract: The numerical approximation of eigenvalue problems for partial differential equations (PDEs) plays a critical role in diverse scientific and engineering applications, such as wave propagation, structural mechanics, and material sciences. This mini-symposium aims to delve into the intricate interplay between solvers, cutting-edge numerical methods, and geometries that influence the accuracy and efficiency of eigenvalue computations.

High-order and hp- numerical methods for PDEs

Organiser: Scott Congreve (Charles University)

Speakers: Zhaonan Dong (INRIA Paris) Lorenzo Mascotto (University of Milano-Bicocca) Marialetizia Mosconi (University of Milano-Bicocca) Ani Miraçi (TU Wien) Charles Parker (University of Oxford) Thomas Radley (University of Montpellier) Manuel Colera Rico (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Zuodong Wang (INRIA Paris) Thomas P. Wihler (University of Bern)

Abstract: High-order numerical methods can provide more accurate solutions to PDEs for less computational resources when compared to low order methods for sufficiently smooth solutions. Additionally, hp-methods for mesh-based numerical methods provide a technique for combining high-order approximations in smooth analytical regions with low order approximations near singularities or interfaces. In this minisymposium we aim to discuss recent developments in the implementation and analysis of high-order and hp- methods for PDEs along with techniques for adaptive refinement in hp-methods.

Recent advances in Randomised Numerical Linear Algebra

Organisers: Yuji Nakatsukasa (University of Oxford) and Taejun Park (University of Oxford)

Speakers: Stefan Güttel (University of Manchester), Malena Landman (University of Oxford), Liam Burke (Charles University), Taejun Park (University of Oxford), Alice Cortinovis (University of Pisa), Nathaniel Pritchard (University of Oxford), Diana Halikias (Cornell University), Lorenzo Lazzarino (University of Oxford), Alberto Bucci (Charles University)

Abstract: Randomised numerical linear algebra (RandNLA) is a rapidly emerging field that leverages probabilistic techniques to address large-scale linear algebraic problems efficiently. Recent advancements in this area have showcased remarkable improvements in speed, accuracy, and robustness for tasks such as low-rank approximations, least-squares problems, trace and determinant computation and diagonal estimation. This minisymposium aims to bring together researchers in RandNLA to share recent progress, discuss challenges and exchange ideas.

Recent developments in numerical integration, function approximation, and their applications in uncertainty quantification

Organisers: Yoshihito Kazashi (University of Strathclyde) and Yuya Suzuki (Aalto University)

Speakers: Motonobu Kanagawa (EURECOM France) Toni Karvonen (LUT Finland) Max Orteu (FU Berlin) Zexin Pan (RICAM Austria) Yuya Suzuki (Aalto University) Liu Yang (KAUST Saudi Arabia)

Abstract: This minisymposium highlights recent advancements in numerical integration, function approximation, and their applications in uncertainty quantification (UQ). Key topics include quasi-Monte Carlo methods and their applications to high-dimensional problems, as well as statistical learning techniques. Presentations will explore the interplay between numerical methods and the reliability of UQ.

Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Modern Materials

Organisers: Heiko Gimperlein (University of Innsbruck), Ruma Rani Maity (University of Innsbruck)

Speakers: Neela Nataraj (IIT Bombay), Apala Majumdar (University of Strathclyde), Shuo Yang (Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications), Michele Ruggeri (University of Bologna), Prabakaran Rajamanickam (University of Strathclyde), Ricardo Nochetto (University of Maryland, College Park)

Abstract: This minisymposium explores recent advances in numerical methods for complex materials governed by nonlinear variational principles. Topics include finite element analysis, uncertainty quantification, and energy minimization techniques for problems including liquid crystals, nonlinear elasticity or magnetoelastic materials. The session aims to encourage discussions on theoretical developments and computational strategies, and facilitate collaborations.

Special Numerical Linear Algebra: Numerical advances at the interface of linear algebra and special functions

Organisers: Timon S. Gutleb (University of Leeds), Marcus Webb (University of Manchester)

Speakers: Timon S. Gutleb (University of Leeds), Marcus Webb (University of Manchester), Sheehan Olver (Imperial College London) Richard Mikael Slevinsky (University of Manitoba), Geoff Vasil (University of Edinburgh), Jiajie Yao (University of Leicester), Daniel VandenHeuvel (Imperial College London), Cade Ballew (University of Washington), Astrid Herremans (KU Leuven)

Abstract: Recent advances in the numerical computation and use of special functions, including hypergeometric functions and orthogonal polynomials, have highlighted its deep theoretical and practical connections with linear algebra. This mini symposium aims to gather researchers working at this intersection to discuss the numerical analysis and unique advantages and challenges of these approaches.

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